we believe, in the power of prayer.

Dalton Garden Church Prayer Requests

What follows are the specific requests made by members of the Dalton Gardens church family by cards, phone and email and other requests from around the world by email. Thank you for the privilege of praying for one another. Please pray for these requests and give God the glory.

Below you will find the latest prayer requests from our congregation. Church prayer requests will date back for two weeks and will be updated every Monday with new prayer requests, from the previous weeks submission.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and al-ways keep on praying for all the believers.” (Ephesians 6:18)

Prayer request submissions and to be added to the prayer list can be emailed to:

Prayer Requests from October 13, 2024

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

Steve & Linda K: Please pray for the people in North Carolina and Florida trying to recover from the hurricanes.
Trisha S: Please pray for our country, and our leaders to make Godly decisions. Please pray for Harold and me as we fly on the 22nd. I don’t like to fly but I will put my trust in God.
Scott & Marsha R: Please keep Marsha’s sister, Jacki, in prayer. She is fighting stage 4 lymphoma. Pray that this brings her God and that His will is done.
David & Linda B: It’s great to be home! We missed you all. Pray for all those affected by the hurricanes.
AJ S: Please pray for the Dick R family, Georgia and her family, and for my friend Shella to find a job in a pharmacy. Please pray for Gwen H, the Priddy family, Justin and family, and Steve B with cancer. Pray for Terry S and Helping Hands Ministry. Pray for all those with cancer, all caregivers, and widows & widowers. Pray for my brother Nel’s recovery.
Marci N: Thanks so much for all of the prayers for my dad (Greyson G). He is home recovering now. Pray for Maverick and Ruby, moving to California in January.
Robert & Robin W: Prayers for safe travels for my sister’s flight home and for all our church family.
Larry & Jean G: Prayers are always appreciated. Thanks.
Kathy R: Please pray for my daughters, Chelsey, for seizures, and Shannon, for separation from her alcoholic husband.
Betty R: Praying for families and our elections. Prayers for Grayson G for healing and Karen, Jolee and family in the passing of their brother, Dick R.
Tiffinay V: Please pray for the families of Kristy, a nurse, I worked with at Advanced. She passed away just a few months after losing her daughter.
Paul & Katrina S: Pray for us all to remember to lead with love during this election season and that our struggle is not against flesh and blood. May God be glorified no matter who is in the White House; He is on the throne.
Michelle T: Please pray for my close friend’s husband, Fred. He is a lineman who has gone to Florida to help with the hurricane clean-up. Pray for his safety and for his family. He will probably be gone for at least a month.
Elaine B: Please pray my nephew will stop gambling (online). He does it all night, every day. Aside from that, he is a good person.
Scott R: Please pray for Karmen’s health struggles. Pray for our shepherds Dale, Dave & Paul.
Jo A: Please continue to pray for my sister, Glenda. She is slowly gaining strength but has a long way to go.
Dave & Terri J: Thank you for your continued prayers for Dave’s brother, Rick and Terri’s dad, Larry for their health. Please pray for a dear lady, Carmen who is in ICU that she will be healed.
John & Diana B: Please pray for our son’s family to have doors open for work as they plan to move here in the next six months.
Gilbert & Diana G: Prayers for our granddaughter, Abigail, for the doctors to find a way to stop her seizures. She is 13 and autistic.
Sharon L: Pray for the people who have been displaced or suffering from the hurricane on the East Coast.
Dale & Diane H: Please pray for Georgia B, she has a birthday this week. Pray she continues to improve.
Jim & Janelle B: Pray for Glenn & Marsha B to have safe travels back to Texas this week. Pray for Jim as he goes with them and returns a week later.
Dan & Teri D: Pray for making connections with the lost. Pray for blessings and wisdom for the elders.
Dave & Nancy G: People suffering from the storm.
Freda C: Pray for my sister, Melba A. She is having knee surgery on Tues. Also, pray for Kathy B and her brother, John M. He has been diagnosed with cancer.
Terry & Cindy S: Pray for our friend and Christian brother, Al P, who is struggling with conflicts in his immediate family.
John L: Pray for our congregation and nation. Pray for those struggling with substance abuse and mental health conditions and for the Saggins family. Pray for the client who placed me in a difficult situation and his healing.
Carole & Keith F: Prayers for all those suffering from the hurricanes in the Southeast U.S.
Glenn & Judie S: Please keep the Woman’s Day in prayer. Pray for our niece’s son, Ben. He was in a terrible car accident; his body was broken and shattered.
Rod B: God bless the people affected by the severe storms. Bless them with your presence for mental and spiritual health.
Larry & Sylvia S: Praise God for safe travels. Prayers for Caleb & Crystal C as they welcome baby Juniper.
Anonymous: Pray for my son and his plans after high school. Thanks.

Prayer Requests from October 20, 2024

Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him.  Jeremiah 17:7

Trisha S: Pray for John B for a quick recovery after surgery.
Marci N: Praise God for his leading had with my dad’s heart. Continue to pray for Joshua’s doctors. He had an MRI on Friday to check out some spots on his liver.
Barbara A: Great blessings to Diane H and Michelle T for a fabulous Women’s Day. We received great reviews.
J.T. C: Wonderful blessings for Darin & Nancy T and baby girl Zion. May the Lord love her and keep her safe.
Arrty & Jen R: Thanksgiving for answered prayers in our lives this week.
Jack & Carole G: Please pray for Israel and the U. S.
John & Diana B: Thank you for your prayers for John’s knee replacement surgery on Tuesday, October 22.
Church office: Pray for Wanda W, who is having surgery on Oct 23.
Marty & Betty Jo C: Praise God for Betty Jo’s bone density test that came back better than normal.
Terry & Cindy S: Thank you for praying for our friend Al P’s family. Their struggles have been greatly relieved, and they are very thankful.
Tim S: Please pray for Emma to be able to find answers for her health concerns.
Val & Tiffany V: Please continue to keep our family in your prayers.
John & Laura L: Thank you to God for all we have. Pray for the healing of our nation. Pray for our leaders and their decision making.
Jedidiah W: Please pray that the Lord will keep my children safe and for my safety as I travel to CDA for the next three weeks for school.
Dave & Nancy G: Thankful for God’s beautiful fall colors!
Betty R: Please pray for Diane and me as we drive to Arizona. Also, pray for the Riggs family and Gwen’s health.
Pete & Mary P: Praise God for a blessed Women’s Day. Thank you for all the planning and the many hard workers, too many to name, it was such a wonderful day.
Michael & Carmen L: Please pray for my sister, Sheba (stroke victim) and her husband, Larry, who is her caregiver.
Michelle T: Thank you to everyone who helped with Woman’s Day 2024 and to everyone who attended. It was a blessing to me!
Aaron L: Please pray for my friend, Jeremy. He is struggling with mental health, addiction, and has tried to overdose recently.
Dan & Teri D: Let’s do great things, encourage each other, and pray for each other and our country.
Scott & Marsha R: Please continue to keep Marsha’s sister, Jacki, in your prayers as she continues to battle cancer.
Les & Nancy B: Pray for John B, Christy K, and Wanda W.
Scott & Karmen R: AJ said he took a tumble Friday and is hurting. Keep him in prayer. Thank you for all your prayers for Karmen’s health.
Dave & Terri J: We cannot say thank you enough for the wonderful gift of the van for Chrysalis. There were tears, shouts and laughter from our staff and clients. God has truly blessed us!
Larry & Jean G: What a blessing to be a part of a “praying” church.
Kathy R: Please pray for my daughters, Chelsey for seizures and Shannon dealing with moving out of her home with her girls.
Glenn & Judie S: Yesterday was a blessed day of fellowship with the ladies. Many guests were there. Bless Betty and Diane as they drive to Arizona.
Janelle B: Pray for my former student, Nate B. He has fractured parts of his spine. (in a high school football game) Please pray for the doctors and his healing. Pray for peace and comfort for his family.
AJ S: Shout out to the Helping Hands program; Terry is doing a great job. Pray for Dave’s brother Rick, Betty, Diane, and all those traveling, The Priddys and Georgia. Pray for Jolee, Karen, and all the Dick R family, all of those who have lost loved ones. All those who are struggling with addictions, Karmen’s health, and all those who are sick and afflicted among us.

Prayer Requests from October 6, 2024

 Teach me your way, Lord that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart,                                                                                            that I may fear your name. I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever. Psalm 86:11-12

Sharon L: Please pray for my friends Debbie & Jim, who are moving from the East Coast back to the West Coast.
Glenn & Judie S: Praying for Georgia and her parents.
Marty & Betty Jo C: Please pray for our nation during the upcoming elections.
Les & Nancy B: Praying for the victims and families affected by Hurricane Helene. Prayers for Wanda W, Christy K, John B, and others with health issues.
J.T. C: Please pray for my friend, Maria, so that she can obtain permanent housing.
Ryan & Dana M: Pray for all who have lost loved ones and homes and have been affected by Helene. Also, pray for peace after the outcome of our upcoming elections.
Pete & Mary P: Pray for safe travels for the Slates and we will be traveling this week. Pray for our elders. So blessed to have Jeff here.
Paul & Katrina S: Please pray for safe travel for Katrina and Amber’s parents, Bill & Linda, as they go back on the road after a wonderful visit. They are such a blessing!
Briseis S: Pray my brother and I won’t fight as much. Please pray that my grandma and grandpa (Terry & Cindy S) have a safe trip home.
Christian E: Prayers for my family and their health.
Larry & Jean G: Continuing prayers for our health. Thankful for Jeff’s visit, the great singing, and praise to God today.
Jo A: Please continue to pray for my sister, Glenda B. She isn’t doing well at all.
Dan & Teri D: Pray for our son, James, visiting now with his family, to renew his faith. Pray for our country as we put God first and ask for unity in our country!
Jen & Arrty R: Please pray for all those working on Women’s Day and for all those who will be attending.
John & Laura L: Pray for the needs of our church family, for all those who struggle with alcoholism, for our nation and our elections, for our school system (teachers and students), and for the Saggins family and their struggles.
Dale & Diane H: Prayers for the family of Lee M as they deal with the treatment of his cancer. Pray for those affected by the recent Hurricane Helene.
Gilbert & Diana G: Prayers for God’s guidance in finding a permanent home where He wants us.
Betty R: There are several sick; please pray for them and all the travelers.
Marci N: Thank you to everyone for your prayers for my father, Greyson G. Your continued prayers are greatly appreciated.
AJ S: Please pray for the Priddys, Angela G’s son, David. Pray for Laura and all with cancer and radiation, Karen and her gallbladder surgery, and all going into recovery from surgery. Pray for Mrs. Gwen H. Thank you to Keith and Jim for breakfast for the veterans. Pray for Rick J, Betty Jo’s sister, Donna W. Pray for Val V. to get forgiveness and to see his children. Please pray for my cousins, Joan T, who moved to Nevada, and Harold Ray H, who is in very bad health.
Val & Tiffany V: Prayers that my family finds a home and that Val can get in touch with his ex-wife to be able to speak with his kids and see them eventually.
Dave & Nancy G: Prayers that my daughter and her son have a safe trip here next Thursday from Houston, Texas.
Scott & Karmen R: Keep our granddaughter Abby in your prayers. She has been having some health issues the doctors haven’t figured out yet. So thankful for Nichole’s progress after surgery.
John & Diana B: Prayer of thanksgiving for our new elder, Paul S, and our two other elders, Dale H and Dave B.



Prayer Requests from September 29, 2024

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Kent & Georgette R: Blessed is the Lord who provides Christian schools for our children. Prayers for those affected by the hurricane.
Ty J: Please pray for our friend Laura whose breast cancer has come back.
John & Diana B: Please pray for John’s knee replacement, which will be happening on October 22.
Terry & Cindy S: Please pray for our children as they grow and go to school. May they be safe, both physically and spiritually, as they learn and grow.
Scott & Karmen R: Prayers for our country and leaders. Pray for our children and schools.
Brynlee J: Pray for Delvona R, who has been having bad headaches and migraines.
Sharon L: Please pray for a successful surgery for my son-in-law, Bob, and to be with the doctors who do the surgery.
Kurtis R: Prayers for Arrty and me as we lead the Young Adults Ministry. To be real, speak the truth, express compassion, and reflect Christ.
Paul & Katrina S: Please keep Emma S in your prayers!
Emma S: I don’t have POTS! Praise God! Please pray for continued answers.
Betty Jo C: Pray for my sister, Donna W; she is having health issues.
Larry & Jean G: Thanks for all the prayers. God is good! Thankful for old friends moving here.
Les & Nancy B: Pray for Wanda W for knee pain and future surgery.
Scott & Marsha R: Please keep Marsha’s sister, Jacki, in your prayers. She was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. Pray that she will turn to Jesus and accept Him. Also, please pray as we mourn the passing of Marsha’s aunt, Jody.
Pete & Mary P: Please pray for all our travelers.


David & Angela G: Please pray for our son David and his new job.
Ruby R: Prayers for the people who were hit by the hurricane.
Jim & Diane R: Please pray for Karen B. She had gallbladder surgery.
Betty R: Prayers for Gwen and her health. Prayers for my grandchildren.
Dave & Nancy G: Prayers for the protection of our schools and country.
Jim & Alyson K: Pray for Suzy as she struggles to recover from alcoholism.
Dale & Diane H: Please keep Lee M in your prayers for cancer treatment. My brother’s heart surgery went very well. Thank you for your prayers.
John L: Pray for the needs of our church family. Pray for friends struggling with alcohol use disorders. Pray for my clients that they get the healing they need. Pray for our nation in this political season. Pray for the Saggins family as they go through family struggles.
Dan & Teri D: Our prayer ministry thanks you for participating in our Fasting and Prayer for Children. Our Veterans and Wives Prayer Breakfast had a great turnout of 30. Thank you, Keith and Jim, for a great breakfast!
Dave & Terri J: Please continue to pray for Rick J’s health and his family situation.
Sloan W: I hope Mr. Jeff has safe travels to see us next week.
Michael & Carmen L: Praise: Baby River is at home! Bless her and her mother.
Marci N: Praise God for my dad & mom getting moved over this way. They should be fully moved by the end of October. Continue to pray for my family to put God’s will first and safe travels for Ian.
Val & Tiffany V: Please pray that God softens my ex-wife’s heart and that she forgives me for past mistakes and finally allows me to see my children.

Prayer Requests from September 22, 2024

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 NIV

Dave & Nancy G: Prayers for Betty Jo’s back.
Judy M: Pray that my son and daughter, who live with me, will start coming to church.
Val V: I need your prayers for help with the stress of regaining custody of my children.
Kent & Georgette R: Please pray for David C. They found tumors in his neck and spine. He thanks you for your prayers, and so does his mother.
Les & Nancy B: Thank you for your prayers for our son. He is home but is still having issues with pain and soreness.
Betty R: Prayers for Gwen’s health and peace. Prayers for Paul & Katrina S and their sweet family.
John & Laura L: Pray for the Saggins family for healing in a difficult family situation. Pray for our country and its leaders as they make decisions closer to God’s will. Pray for Christians around the world who are persecuted. Pray for a friend (John) who struggles with alcoholism.
Dale & Diane H: Please pray for Wayne H; heart valve surgery on Monday 23rd. Also, Lee M of St Maries, discovery of extensive cancer throughout his body. Please pray for the family. They have been through a lot.
Craig & Debbie H: Please pray for our safe travels. We are going to the Oregon Coast this week.
Dave & Terri J: Please continue to pray for Dave’s brother, Rick. He may be moving to Virginia with his son, and this is a very challenging time. Terri’s brother is looking for a small space to stay for about six months. Please pray we can find somewhere. Thank you to Scott & Karmen for your service. Please pray for Paul and Katrina.
John & Diana B: Please continue to pray for our friends, the Lopez family. They are having emotional issues.
Richard & Maria E: Prayers for the injured and the family of the deceased involved in a motorcycle accident on Saturday, September 21, in Shoshone County.
Bob C: Please pray for Irene’s health issues. She’s just had an Ultrasound on her hyperactive thyroid waiting results. She’s tired a lot and is very weak. Her kidney and cancer issues are doing better. Praise the Lord! Thanks for everyone’s prayers.
AJ S: Please pray for Deb H and her mom. Pray for Nancy & Les B and their son, Mark to feel the Lord’s presence. Pray for Carole F’s pain to lessen. Pray for my “buddy” Margie, my schoolmate Trinka W, Anita P, the Rude family, Marsha R’s sister, Sharon L, Val V to get his children, and Dave’s brother, Rick.
Terry & Cindy S: Prayers for God’s guidance in the process of selecting elders and deacons in the coming weeks.
Karen B: Please continue to pray for Gwen H as she deals with heart failure.
Arrty & Jen R: Thank you all for praying for our schools in the coming week.
Margie W: Bless this congregation and all the special people that meet here. The “Power of Prayer” is apparent in so many ways.
Michael and Carmen L: Baby River is still in the hospital. We pray that she can go home.
Tabby C: My coworker, Angel, is having an MRI on Thursday. Please pray for favorable results.
Chris & Nichole R: Please keep Nichole in prayer as she will have her surgery this Monday.
Larry & Jean G: As always, Thanks for the blessings of family, all family. Safe travel for those traveling back today.
Jim & Alyson K: Pray for Jim’s Aunt Sue, who is struggling with addiction.
Dan & Teri D: Pray for unity for our country. Pray for safety as Larry & Sylvia and Dave & Linda are traveling. Pray for so many people in our congregation who are hurting physically. Pray for my sister who has COVID.
Irene C: My brother Steve is having open heart surgery on Wednesday, Oct. 25th. He has a very serious leakage in his heart valve. Please pray for him so he has a successful surgery and a quick recovery. Also, please pray for Bob, he’s having several tests done, and we’ll be waiting for the results. He’s coughing a lot; it’s hard to breathe, and he’s unstable and weak. Prayer for Sandy P, Rod B, Ruby R, and AJ.
Kimberly S: Please pray that my mom and son continue to do your will and continue to read your word.