dalton gardens church Looking for a Church Home?
The Bible teaches that God has placed eternity in the hearts of men (Eccl 3:11). In other words there is a holy hunger inside us all to know where we came from, where we are going and if there is more to our existence than our present life upon this earth. The search for spiritual meaning in life is a noble journey and if you are searching for a direction or a church home please know we want to help.
We work at being a non-denominational, Christ centered, Bible-based church. We don’t claim perfection. And we know our perspectives are often influenced by preference, tradition and even convenience. However, we desire to just be like Jesus and hold to the founding principles of the church established in the New Testament are genuine.
If you have visited other Churches of Christ, you will notice variations from who we are. Please do not judge all Churches of Christ to be alike. We are an independent congregation with no formal organizational structure with any other congregation or church organization, other than just a mutual respect for all who follow Jesus. The best way to know who and what we are about is to visit us. Get to know us for yourself. We love guests.
dalton gardens church What to Expect When You Visit Us.

The Welcome
We want people to feel comfortable with us. You can be as anonymous or as visible as you wish. You might need to come early for a back seat…Those often seem popular, but that is OK; we want folks to be at ease and sit wherever they feel most comfortable. However, we should confess we are known for our friendly and loving spirit. It is almost impossible to come in and leave without having sincere greetings and warm smiles provided for you. If you wish come early and enjoy a cup of coffee or come running at the last minute if you want… you are always welcome.

The Setting
We keep things fairly informal. You may sit where you want. We do not engage in fashion shows or judging people by their outward appearance. People are encouraged to just come as they are and dress as they think best. Our preacher almost never wears a tie or a suit. But if a suit and tie is your preference, then feel free to come that way too.

The Singing
One of the things that most guests think stands out about us is that we have a strong commitment to singing. We encourage everyone to sing. Our music is “a capella,” meaning we sing without instrumental accompaniment to emphasize the importance of each voice and heart present being the primary instrument of praise to God. We project the words and the music to help everyone to join in the singing. Most people believe our singing is beautiful and have never been to a church that sings so well. Now in case you are wondering…Poor singers are welcome to join in. It is amazing that even those who can’t sing still blend in well and help the congregation “to make a joyful noise” to the Lord. By the way, the term “a capella” means “as in the church.”

The Praying
We believe in the power of prayer and spoken prayers are an important part of our church meetings. We always take prayer requests from those with special needs.

The Lord’s Supper
We believe the Christians in the New Testament shared in the Lord’s Supper every Sunday as a way to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. We pass the bread and cup to those assembled every Sunday and all Christians are encouraged to participate. However, there is no embarrassment if you choose not to participate.

The Offering
How many times will we ask you for money? The answer is none. Guests should never feel forced to participate in our offering, even though if you wish to make a donation that is fine too. We view the offering as an opportunity for the members of the congregation to celebrate God’s provision in their lives. We participate in the offering with joy and without guilt. You are always welcome to do as you feel best.

The Preaching
Who preaches is not as important as what is preached. Every message preached at Dalton Gardens will be from the Bible and have practical applications for everyday life. Our preacher’s name is Michael Lewis. He is an excellent communicator with a gift for building bridges between the Bible and everyday life. He almost always provides handouts and outlines for his sermons that make them easy to remember. And he usually doesn’t preach long sermons either.

The Invitation
In all of our Sunday morning worship meetings there will be a time (usually after the sermon) when people are invited to make their desire to become a Christian known or to share any special needs. We call this time “the invitation.” And during the invitation those in need are invited to come to the front if they desire help with their life. This invitation is open to all who are present.

The People
Who preaches is not as important as what is preached. Every message preached at Dalton Gardens will be from the Bible and have practical applications for everyday life. Our preacher’s name is Michael Lewis. He is an excellent communicator with a gift for building bridges between the Bible and everyday life. He almost always provides handouts and outlines for his sermons that make them easy to remember. And he usually doesn’t preach long sermons either.

Small Groups
At Dalton Gardens Church of Christ we believe in the amazing communication that occurs in our small groups. Our small intimate gatherings allows you to further strengthen your walk with Christ, by hearing and learning from others. To learn more about our Small Groups, please contact the Church Office at 208.772.0541 .